Prayer and Great Teaching in the Public School

I know many of you are driven to my blog on Facebook so you may have seen this already. No matter. I want to share it because it is worth being shared for many reasons.

My mother in law died unexpectedly last week.  I wrote a blog about her that I hope you will take time to read, Until We Meet Again, Susan Mom.  Rachel has always had the childlike faith that we of the Christian faith would all long to have.  She usually says, they are with Jesus and Festas and Teddy and they are happy. Festas and Teddy are two of our dogs who have gone on to heaven. Come on folks – it’s funny and sweet. She is also very perceptive to people’s pain though. Her innate ability to empathize with people is quite remarkable. Many people have commented on this. When a close friend lost her adult son to Type I Diabetes, the friend told me that “Rachel has the gift of counseling. She knew how to make my heart better.” Rachel frequently says “they will always be in your heart. You will always be in my heart.”

Losing a grandma has been a bit different. She is doing well but has definitely had more of a lingering sadness and some really good questions.  That’s for another blog.  Today, I want to share with you this short little story. I think it will touch your heart.

Last night as Rachel prayed over dinner she said, “Thank you for Mrs. Teacher for praying over my family.” Brought tears to my eyes. I dropped the teacher a note and she wrote this back to me: “Hi! Thank you for the nice e-mail! Rachel was leaving Ms. Teacher’s room this morning to take her test and she waved at me, so I stopped and asked her how she was doing? She said it had been a hard week. She then started crying and said my grandma died. I put my arms around her and let her cry. I told her I was praying for your family and that I was so sorry for her loss. When she stopped crying she said “thank you for praying for my family.” She said “my dad is really sad.” It broke my heart to know how sad she was and to know your family was hurting. I told her I would keep praying for healing for all of you. Please know that I feel truly blessed to have your family in my life. Thank you again for blessing me!”

Who says there is no prayer in the public schools?  We are blessed.



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