The SassySouthernGal’s Favorite Blog of 2016

I haven’t blogged as much this year. Still, I thought you might find it interesting to know which blog is my favorite for the year and which blogs were the most read. I was actually surprised when I checked.  My most read blog for 2016 was:

Born This Way – A Peer’s Perspective

I probably shouldn’t be surprised because “Born This Way” is making a huge impact! The insight from one of Rachel’s peers reflects the attitude of hundreds of thousands who are following this show and learning about Down syndrome and just living life.

2)  Community Inclusion – School Success

3) Soaring Rachel’s Junior Year

I have my own personal favorite. All three of these were in the top ten most read and are my personal favorites.

3) Rachel’s Sweet Prayers, Joe & a Pink House

2) 17 Years with Rachel

My favorite blog was a short one, Inclusion: The Volleyball Manager

I’ve started about 10 blogs that I didn’t get finished this year.  As Rachel approaches the end of her junior year and that magical 18th birthday, a lot is happening and there may or may not be a lot to share. You’ll have to follow TheSassySouthernGal and decide for yourself.On New Year’s Eve I’ll be sharing some of my favorite images as we say so long to 2016 and ring in 2017.

Today, I leave you with one of my favorite quotes and invite you to consider the meaning of these words penned by Benjamin Franklin:

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”

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